Dream Hollywood Embraces Changing Guest Preferences and Implements Contactless Check-In

Dream Hollywood
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Contactless Check-In
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“Contactless Check-In paid for itself quickly through the offering of upsells and amenities”
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The Dream Hollywood Hotel is a luxury 178 room hotel, which boasts six food and beverage outlets, and is nestled in the iconic Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Vaughn Davis was brought in as the GM at Dream Hollywood after serving in leadership positions at luxury New York hotels, where he had been responsible for improving guest satisfaction scores. As he joined the team at Dream Hollywood, he was faced with a challenge: how to improve the guest experience and raise guest satisfaction scores, while driving additional revenue for the property.

Davis saw the trend that guests were beginning to expect self-service technology when visiting hotels. He believed that implementing a Contactless Check-In solution would improve guest satisfaction, drive additional revenue for the property, and help streamline operations.

Davis evaluated Contactless Check-In options with his IT team and selected Canary Technologies.

“The ease of use, coupled with the seamless integration with our property management system (OPERA) made it a no-brainer.”

Working with Canary’s implementation team, Davis was able to get the solution up and running within days.

linkedin iconVaughn Davis
Vaughn Davis
General Manager
10+ Years in Hospitality

“Contactless Check-In paid for itself quickly through the offering of upsells and amenities”

After customizing Canary’s Contactless Check-In, Dream Hollywood began sending out check-in links to guests on the morning of their arrival. The property also customized the Canary experience to offer upsells and amenities that guests could purchase during the check-in process, as a way to increase revenue.

Dream Hollywood Guests Average a 4.92 Stars Average Since Implementing Contactless Check-In

The staff at Dream Hollywood immediately saw the impact of Contactless Check-In: it decreased front desk administrative work and improved guest satisfaction scores. In fact, guests who checked in with Canary rated the process an average of 4.92 stars.

Overall, Dream Hollywood has seen the following changes since implementing Canary’s Contactless Check-In:

- Guests now have more information about their stay before they arrive, and there are no more lines in the lobby, which has improved guest satisfaction scores.

- The property’s front desk staff has been spending less time handling the administrative work of checking guests in, leaving them more time to provide an exceptional guest experience.

- The property has been able to offer upsells and add-ons that guests can purchase through the Canary interface, which has meant that the investment in Canary’s Contactless Check-In has quickly paid for itself.

For Davis, it’s about always looking for ways to improve the guest experience, and making sure his property has a competitive advantage. Canary’s Contactless Check-In has allowed him to achieve those goals, while also improving his property’s bottom line.

See how Canary can help make your properties easier today